
Although we make every effort to keep this page up-to-date with lab publications, please see Dr. Jennifer Mullinax’s google scholar profile for a complete list of publications ordered by impact. Here, publications are ordered by publication year and reverse indentation is not used for the sake of universal formatting across devices. Kindly note that citations prior to 2019 use Dr. Jennifer Mullinax’s maiden name, Murrow.

Forthcoming publications

Gonnerman M., Leyson C., Sullivan J.D., Pantin-Jackwood M.J., Spackman E., Mullinax J.M., Prosser D.J. In Press. A systematic review of laboratory investigations into the pathogenesis of avian influenza viruses in wild avifauna of North America. bioRxiv.


Poor E.E., Scheick B., Cox J.J., Guthrie J.M., Mullinax J.M. 2024. Towards robust corridors: a validation framework to improve corridor modeling. Landscape Ecology 39: e177. [paper link]

Herrera D.J., Fidino M., Luther D., Mullinax J.M., Gallo T. 2024. Historical park planning is associated with modern-day patters of bird diversity in cities. Landscape and Urban Planning 249: e105132. [paper link]

Bohnett E., Oetting J., Noss R., O’Brien M., Frakes R., Smith D., Lockhart S., Mullinax J., Poor E.E., Scheick B., Hoctor T. 2024. Consolidating diverse modeling methods and spatial prioritization for multispecies connectivity planning. Frontiers in Conservation Science 5: e1406944. [paper link]

Prosser D.J., Kent C.M., Sullivan J.D., Patyk K.A., McCool M.J., Torchetti M.K., Lantz K., Mullinax J.M. 2024. Using an adaptive modeling framework to identify avian influenza spillover risk at the wild-domestic interface. Scientific Reports 14(1): e14199. [paper link]

McEachran M.C., Harvey J.A., Mummah R.O., Bletz M.C., Teitelbaum C.S., Rosenblatt E., Rudolph F.J., Arce F., Yin S., Prosser D.J., Mosher B.A., Mullinax J.M., DiRenzo G.V., Couret J., Runge M.C., Campbell Grant E.H., Cook J.D. 2024. Reframing wildlife disease management problems with decision analysis. Conservation Biology 38(4): e14284. [paper link]

Tiffin H.S., Brown J.D., Ternent M., Snavely B., Carrollo E., Kibe E., Buderman F.E., Mullinax J.M., Machtinger E.T. 2024. Resolution of chemical signs of Sarcoptic mange in American black bears (Ursus americanus), in Ivermectin-treated and nontreated individuals. The Journal of Wildlife Diseases 60(2): 434-447. [paper link]

Yarkovich J., Braunstein J.L., Mullinax J.M., Clark J.D. 2024. No long-term effect of black bear removal on elk calf recruitment in the southern Appalachians. The Journal of Wildlife Management 88(2): e22522. [paper link]


Hummell G.F., Li A.Y., Kent C.M., Mullinax J.M. 2023. Zoonotic implications of white-footed mice habitat selection and territoriality in fragmented landscapes. Journal of Vector Ecology 48(2): 89-102. [paper link]

Harvey J.A., Mullinax J.M., Runge M.C., Prosser D.J. 2023. The changing dynamics of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1: Next steps for management & science in North America. Biological Conservation 282: e110041. [paper link]

Kent C.M., Bevins S.N., Mullinax J.M., Sullivan J.D., Prosser D.J. 2023. Waterfowl show spatiotemporal trends in influenza A H5 and H7 infections but limited taxonomic variation. Ecological Applications 33(7): e2906. [paper link]

Buderman F.E., Helm P.J., Clark J.D., Williamson R.H., Yarkovich J., Mullinax J.M. 2023. A multi-level modeling approach to guide management of female feral hogs in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Biological Invasions 25(10): 3065-3082. [paper link]


Hummell G.F., Li A.Y., Mullinax J.M. 2022. Very small collars: an evaluation of telemetry location estimators for small mammals. Animal Biotelemetry 10: e29 [paper link]

Kent, C. M., A. M. Ramey, J. T. Ackerman, J. Bahl, S. N. Bevins, A. S. Bowman, W. Boyce, C. Cardona, M. L. Casazza, T. D. Cline, S. E. De La Cruz, J. S. Hall, N. J. Hill, H. Ip, S. Krauss, J. M. Mullinax, J. M. Nolting, M. Plancarte, R. Poulson, J. A. Runstadler, R. D. Slemons, D. E. Stallknecht, J. D. Sullivan, J. Y. Takekawa, R. J. Webby, R. G. Webster, and Diann J. Prosser. 2022. Spatiotemporal changes in influenza A virus prevalence among wild waterfowl inhabiting the continental United States throughout the annual cycle. 2022. Scientific Reports 12: e13083. [paper link]

Roden-Reynolds, P., C. Kent, A. Li, and J. M. Mullinax. 2022. Patterns of white-tailed deer movements in suburban Maryland: implications for zoonotic disease mitigation. 2022. Urban Ecosystems 25: 1925-1938. [paper link]

Roden-Reynolds, P., C. M. Kent, A. Y. Li, and J. M. Mullinax. 2022. White-tailed deer spatial distribution in relation to ‘4-Poster’ tick control devices in suburbia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(8): 4889. [paper link]

Poh, K., J. R. Evans, M. J. Skvarla, C. M. Kent, P. U. Olafson, G. J. Hickling, J. M. Mullinax, and E. T. Machtinger. 2022. Patterns of deer ked (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) and tick (Ixodida: Ixodidae) infestation n white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the eastern United States. Parasites and Vectors 15: e31. [paper link]


Buck, E. J., J. D. Sullivan, C. M. Kent, J. M. Mullinax, and D. J. Prosser. 2021. A comparison of methods for the long-term harness-based attachment of radio-transmitters to juvenile Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Animal Biotelemetry 9(1): 1–16. [paper link]

Humphreys, J. M., D. C. Douglas, A. M. Ramey, J. M. Mullinax, C. Soos, P. Link, P. Walther, and D. J. Prosser. 2021. The spatial–temporal relationship of blue‐winged teal to domestic poultry: Movement state modelling of a highly mobile avian influenza host. Journal of Applied Ecology 58(10): 2040–2052. [paper link]

Ottinger, M. A., A. Botha, R. Buij, B. Coverdale, M. L. Gore, R. M. Harrell, J Hassell, S. Krüger, C. McClure, J. M. Mullinax, L. J. Shaffer, H. Smit-Robinson, L. J. Thompson, L. Van Den Heever, W. W. Bowerman. 2021. A strategy for conserving Old World vulture populations in the framework of One Health. Journal of Raptor Research 55(3): 374–387. [paper link]

Poor, E. E., M. A. Imron, R. Novalina, L. J. Shaffer, and J. M. Mullinax. 2021. Increasing diversity to save biodiversity: Rising to the challenge and supporting Indonesian women in conservation. Conservation Science and Practice 3(2): 1–12. [paper link]

Milholland, M. T., L. Eisen, A. Hojgaard, R. M. Nadolny, E. T. Machtinger, J. M. Mullinax, and A. Y. Li. 2021. Surveillance of ticks and tick-borne pathogens in suburban natural habitats of central Maryland. Journal of Medical Entomology 58(3): 1352–1362. [paper link]


Milholland, M. T., G. Xu, S. M. Rich, E. T. Machtinger, J. M. Mullinax, and A. Y. Li. 2020. Pathogen coinfections harbored by Ixodes scapularis from white-tailed deer compared to questing adults across sites in Maryland, USA. Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases 21(2): 86–91. [paper link]

Sullivan, J. D., P. R. Marbán, J. M. Mullinax, D. F. Brinker, P. C. McGowan, and D. Prosser. 2020. Assessing nest attentiveness of Common Terns via video cameras and temperature loggers. Avian Research 11(1): 1–18. [paper link]

Poor, E. E., A. Spivy, L. Rohrbaugh, and J. M. Mullinax. 2020. An ad hoc translocation of urban eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina). Northeastern Naturalist 27(4): 631–640. [paper link]

Poor, E. E., B. K. Scheick, and J. M. Mullinax. 2020. Multiscale consensus habitat modeling for landscape level conservation prioritization. Scientific Reports 10(1): 1–13. [paper link]

Gore, M., A. Hübschle, A. Botha, M. A. Ottinger, L. J. Shaffer, B. Coverdale, R. Garbett, R. Harrell, S. Krueger, J. M. Mullinax, L. Olson, H. S. Robinson, L. Thompson, L. van den Heever, W. Bowerman. 2020. A conservation criminology-based desk assessment of vulture poisoning in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area. Global Ecology and Conservation 23(1): 1–16. [paper link]

Roden-Reynolds, P., E. Machtinger, A. Li, and J. M. Mullinax. 2020. Trapping whitetailed deer ([Artiodactyla]: [Cervidae]) in suburbia for study of tick-host interaction. Journal of Insect Science 20(6): 8:1–12. [paper link]

Humphreys, J. M., A. M. Ramey, D. C. Douglas, J. M. Mullinax, and D. J. Prosser. 2020. Waterfowl occurrence and residence time as indicators of H5 and H7 avian influenza in North American Poultry. Scientific Reports 10(2592): 1–16. [paper link]


Marbán, P. R., J. M. Mullinax, J. P. Resop, D. J. Prosser. 2019. Assessing beach and island habitat loss in the Chesapeake Bay and Delmarva coastal bay region, USA, through processing of Landsat imagery: A case study. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16(1): e100265 [paper link]

Humphreys, J. M., J. L. Murrow, J. D. Sullivan, and D. J. Prosser. 2019. Seasonal occurrence and abundance of dabbling ducks across the continental United States: Joint spatio‐temporal modelling for the Genus Anas. Diversity and Distributions 25(9): 1497–1508. [paper link]


Wall, J. L., Marbán, P. R., Brinker, D. F., Sullivan, J. D., Zimnik, M., J. L. Murrow, P. C. McGowan, C. R. Callahan, D. J. Prosser. 2018. A Video surveillance system to monitor breeding colonies of common terns (Sterna hirundo). Journal of Visualized Experiments 137: e57928. [paper link]

Muller, L. I., J. L. Murrow, J. L. Lupardus, J. D. Clark, J. G. Yarkovich, W. H. Stiver, E. K. Delozier, B. L. Slabach, J. J. Cox, and B. F. Miller. 2018. Genetic structure in elk persists after translocation. Journal of Wildlife Management 82(6): 1124–1134. [paper link]


Deerhake, M., J. L. Murrow, K. Heller, D. Cobb, and B. Howard. 2016. Assessing the feasibility of a sustainable, huntable elk population in North Carolina. Journal of the Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 3: 303–312. [paper link]

Pack, S., M. Ferreira, R. Krithivasanc, J. L. Murrow, E. Bernarde, and M. Masciac. 2016. Protected Area Downgrading, Downsizing, and Degazettement (PADDD) in Brazil and its impacts on deforestation in the Amazon. Biological Conservation 197: 32–39. [paper link]


Clark, J. L., J. Laufenberg, M. Davidson, and J. L. Murrow. 2015. Connectivity among subpopulations of Louisiana black bears as estimated by a step-selection function. Journal of Wildlife Management 79(8): 1347–1360. [paper link]


Murrow, J. L., C. A. Thatcher, F. T. van Manen, and J. D. Clark. 2013. A data- based conservation planning tool for Florida panthers. Environmental Modelling and Assessment 18(2): 159–170. [paper link]


Murrow, J. L. and J. D. Clark. 2012. Effects of Hurricane Katrina and Rita on Louisiana black bear habitat. Ursus 23(2): 192–205. [paper link]


Yarkovich, J., J. D. Clark, and J. L. Murrow. 2011. Bear relocation to reduce calf predation at Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Journal of Wildlife Management 75(5): 1145–1154. [paper link]

Kindall, J. K., L. I. Muller, J. D. Clark, Lupardus, J. L., and J. L. Murrow. 2011. Population viability analysis to identify management priorities for reintroduced elk in the Cumberland Mountains, Tennessee. Journal of Wildlife Management 75(8): 1745–1752. [paper link]


Murrow, J. L., J. D. Clark, and E. K. Delozier. 2009. Demographics of an experimentally released population of Elk in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Journal of Wildlife Management 73(8): 1261–1268. [paper link]